Nikki Dyson
By the Author
Oscar the Hungry Unicorn Eats Cake
It's Princess Oola's birthday and she's having a party for all of her fairy tale friends. Oola loves her birthday, but so does Oscar -…
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Oscar the Hungry Unicorn and the New Babycorn
Oola has rescued a brand new baby unicorn! It needs looking after and teaching a thing or two about unicorning - is Oscar up to…
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Monster Christmas
An endearing rhyming story full of laughs, this wholesome tale is set to become a Christmas classic. Father Christmas is old, tired and has creaky…
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Oscar the Hungry Unicorn Eats Easter
Oscar the Hungry Unicorn returns to save Easter in this third hilarious Oscar adventure from Lou Carter, the best-selling author of There Is No Dragon…
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Oscar the Hungry Unicorn Eats Christmas
Oscar the Hungry Unicorn saves Christmas in this brilliantly funny second book from Lou Carter, the bestselling author of There Is No Dragon in This…
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Oscar the Hungry Unicorn
A hilariously funny tale of friendship, belonging and LOTS OF EATING from the bestselling author of There Is No Dragon in This Story. Perfect for…
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Pirate Stew
WITH BLUE FOIL FINISH! A quick-witted shrimp saves his friends from the pirates' cooking pot in this hilarious undersea caper about friendship, tolerance ... and…