Kay Al-Ghani
By the Author
The Red Beast Anger Workbook
This illustrated and interactive workbook will help children find ways to calm their Red Beast and learn how to prevent it from waking in the…
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The Red Beast
Deep inside everyone, a red beast lies sleeping. When it is asleep, the red beast is quite small, but when it wakes up, it begins…
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Are You Feeling Cold, Yuki?
Yuki the snow monkey lives in Japan with his family and friends. He sometimes finds it hard to realise when his body is giving him…
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Super Shamlal – Living and Learning with Pathological Demand Avoidance
Shamlal the Camel finds it almost impossible to do all the normal, everyday things that the other camels do. Her first word was 'NO!' and…
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Winston Wallaby Can’t Stop Bouncing
Winston Wallaby, like most Wallabies, loves to bounce. However, Winston can't seem to ever sit still and when he starts school he needs help to…
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The Green-Eyed Goblin
Deep inside everyone, a little goblin lies sleeping. When it wakes up, its eyes turn green, its nose grows and it starts to breathe a…
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The Disappointment Dragon
When things don't go our way, the Disappointment Dragon can come to visit and take us down to his home in the Valley of Despair……
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The Panicosaurus
Have you ever felt a sense of dread and worry creeping over you? That might be the Panicosaurus coming out to play… Sometimes the Panicosaurus…
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From Home to School with Autism
Beginning school is a challenging time for most young children. For those with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) the significant change this entails can be…
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Learning About Friendship
Making friends can be a challenge for all children, but those with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) can struggle more than most. This collection of ten…
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Making the Move
The transition from primary to secondary school is a time of great anxiety for most children. For children with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) this…
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The Red Beast
Deep inside everyone, a red beast lies sleeping. When it is asleep, the red beast is quite small, but when it wakes up, it begins…