Erin Leonard
Dr. Erin Leonard has been a practicing psychotherapist for 25 years. Currently, she owns and practices at Recore Counseling in Indiana. Dr. Leonard has appeared on WGN and FOX affiliates in Chicago, Dallas, Boston, Memphis, Atlanta, and Phoenix. She is a TV contributor for WNDU, South Bend, WISH TV, Indianapolis, and WGN, Chicago. In 2016, she won the bronze Living Now Award, and in 2018 was awarded the title of worldwide leader in healthcare and inducted into the International Association of Healthcare Providers.
As a journalist for Psychology Today with over 7 million readers, she enjoys helping people in the areas of emotional intelligence, empathy, narcissism, attachment, and parenting. Her TikTok platform helps her reach a wider audience and keeps her in touch with people who are looking for trustworthy advice.
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